illustrations © Emily Honey
Ten teenagers each with his or her own problem find their lives changed over the course of a few months. Go here to order.
Our Winter 2025 newsletter is here!. The theme is "Sunday Schools around the world" with lots of helpful hints and ideas. To get the latest news in your inbox, click here
Since COVID our finances have taken a dive, so if you are able to help money can be transferred electronically: A/c name: The Christadelphian Sunday School Union; Bank a/c no: 33213968; Sort code: 60-10-07; International: IBAN: GB80 NWBK 6010 0733 2139 68, BIC: NWBK GB 2L
Yes, The Word is back, and you can read a sample edition - just click here. For regular copies click on Magazines in the menu.
We are producing lessons to help teach children who have Farsi as their first language, with teachers' notes available in Farsi and English, and with Farsi audio recordings of stories. Interested? email Anna MacDonald
We rely on donations to fund our activities, so if you are able to help in this way please click here to fill in a GiftAid form (if you live in the UK) or make a Paypal donation.
We have some brilliant books suitable for giving to children and young people as gifts and prizes.
For more details look here
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The CSSU is a registered charity (no. 1097921) run by volunteers. Problem with the website? send Andrew Walker an email